Zacchaeus Template

Supplies needed brown construction paper green construction paper, cut in half, one half per kid blue paper Zacchaeus template, cut. Zacchaeus was rejected by the people around him. But Jesus didn't reject Zacchaeus. Jesus was full of compassion. This craft helps the kiddos remember that Jesus came. Pinterest zacchaeus activities Song: Zacchaeus was a wee little man Worksheets: Crossword puzzles See More Sunday School Crafts Sunday School Lessons Bible Crafts Vbs Crafts Zacchaeus Craft Vbs 2016 Bible Stories Google Images School Ideas.
So we’re into 2013 and Destiny Kidz are looking at the theme of Upside Down. It’s all about how Jesus turned things upside down.
Last week we looked at Zaccheus the tax-collector who after meeting Jesus decided to give away all his riches and pay everything back. This is a fun and easy craft for the kids to remember the story. Added bonus: is there is hardly any preparation for leaders! Materials • White paper • Template • Green poster paint • Paint palet or scrap paper • Colouring pencils • Kitchen roll or paper towels (for emergencies) Preparation • Print off picture onto white paper Instructions • Give out pictures to kids • Squeeze a little bit of green paint onto the palette or scrap paper • Let the kids dip their fingers in the paint • Get the kids to press their fingers onto the paper to make the leaves on the tree.
• Once they’ve finished the kids can colour in the tree and Zaccheus with the colouring pencils. • They could also write the verse on as well. We used ‘When Jesus came to the tree, he looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, come down! I must stay at your house today. Claudia Gorbman Unheard Melodies Pdf To Jpg. ” Luke 19:5.