Close A Popup Window In Selenium Webdriver

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Close A Popup Window In Selenium Webdriver

If it is a new window you need to use switchTo().window(handle) to change to it. Free Download Program Aspekte Mittelstufe Deutsch B2 Pdf Merge. The trick is finding the handle. I use a wrapper routine that does the click and waits for the list of windows to change. It then uses the new window handle and returns the original window handle to the caller, so the caller knows which handle to switch back to. The handle is not the title of the window (that would be too easy).

More Close A Popup Window In Selenium Webdriver videos. Example of Handling PopUp in selenium webdriver. Handling PopUp windows in selenium webdriver. How to switch-handle-close particular popup window.

If it is an Alert window you need to use switchTo().alert(), where you can do a getText() from the alert window and do an accept() to dismiss it. Mike Mallikarjun Yalagi 21.06.12 22:45.

Hi Mike Thanks for your reply.It's a new window,when i click a new window will open so need to use switchTo.window(handle) upto here i my question is what 'handle' exactly means??It means window title or id or wt? Hero System 5th Edition Bestiary Pdf Viewer here. ?how to find window title or id??some says using firebug we can identify window title or id but i am not getting how to identify??I didnt understood the following wt u said 'I use a wrapper routine that does the click and waits for the list of windows to change. It then uses the new window handle and returns the original window handle to the caller, so the caller knows which handle to switch back to. The handle is not the title of the window (that would be too easy).' Please clarify. Thanks&Regards Mallikarjun Yalagi. I believe an empty string will also switch back to the main window.

If that doesn't work you should be able to do a list of the window handles. Assuming there is only one you would switch to it. Micropay Software. If you can have more than one I would do a variation of what I did to find the popup window. Keep your original list, prior to the popup window being displayed, and compare it with your current list.

Whatever window in the current list that is not in the old list is likely the window you need to switch to. Mike On Sunday, June 24, 2012 8:48:16 PM UTC-7, simply_tester wrote: Hi Mike, Your explanation is very clear. However, I'm having a slightly different issue.

In my case, after switching to a pop-up and performing some actions there (sign-in to a page), pop-up automatically closes, and the main window refreshes (user is signed in and gets redirected to a different page). So, when I try to getWindowHandle on the refreshed page - I get a 'driver not found. The browser is probably closed' error. If I try to switchTo previously stored main window handle, I get a sign-in page loaded (expected) when user is actually signed-in. My question is, what is the proper way to switch to main window (once again, main window is a sign-in window that refreshes to a different page after user sign-in through a pop-up) after the sign-in pop-up closes? Thanks in advance, simply_tester 25.06.12 13:51.

My code was tested using IE. I actually just this past week finally ran it on Firefox and Chrome and it worked there, too. A possibility is that on IE your developers have implemented the popup in a different way for IE. I would suggest getting a look at how the code looks in IE (using the Developer tool via ) to see if it looks different that in the other browsers.

In my case the popup I am dealing with is created using JQuery (I believe, or some other JavaScript package). If you do find something different about it, try showing it to us here so we can help you figure it out. Mike Mallikarjun Yalagi 09.07.12 3:13. On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 9:41 PM, Mike Riley wrote: I ran it on IE 7, 8, and 9. You developer may be using a canned set of JavaScript routines, and so may not know how the popup was implemented, although they should be able to look at it and find out. That is why I suggested looking at it in IE when you do it manually using the key to bring up the developer view in IE.

You can then compare that with how Firebug shows the same view in Firefox, or use the Chrome developer tool if you are using Chrome. On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 9:34 PM, Mike Riley wrote: My code was tested using IE. I actually just this past week finally ran it on Firefox and Chrome and it worked there, too. A possibility is that on IE your developers have implemented the popup in a different way for IE.