Getopenfilename Default File Path Access
• First it will open a “File Open” Dialog box. The default location is the “Documents' folder • The user then navigates to the actual file and selects it. The filename along with the path is stored in the variable filename and displayed to the user in a Message Box. • The variable is set to false if the user cancels on the above window. Please note, actual file is not opened. Also, If you want to get the current file name and path, you can check the article:, which very well applies to Excel as well. Examples Let’s have a look at few examples of how to use GetOpenFilename Example 1: Specify a title for the dialog box (default is open) Sub getFileName1() Dim filename As String, title As String title = “Select the file to import' filename = Application.GetOpenFilename(,,title) MsgBox filename End Sub Here the title of the window is set to “Select the file to import' as seen in the snapshot below: Here, the filename is displayed in a message box.

In real applications, you would use the filename to do something more meaningful. The Sopranos Saison 6 Vostfr Download Games there. Workbooks.Open filename Example 2: Allow selection of multiple files and loop through to get all the file names Sub getFileName2() Dim filename As Variant Dim i As Integer i = 1 filename = Application.GetOpenFilename(,,,, True) If filename = False Then MsgBox 'No file Selected' Exit Sub End If For Each element In filename Cells(i, 1) = element i = i + 1 Next element End Sub Here the last parameter (multiselect) for GetOpenFilename is set to true.
So, the user is permitted to select more than one file. The if condition checks whether the user selected at least one file. If not, the code exits from the sub. To loop through all the filenames selected by the user, the for loop is used and the values are stored in the workbook The filename is declared as a variant data type. This is because if the user does not select any file, false is returned, which is of type Boolean, else the filename is returned which is a string.
I have a VBMacro Excel file loaded on a Server that numerous people access. A Macro in this file creates a Copy of a specific Sheet within the Active Workbook and I want to Save it to the individual's Desktop. How do I find out what the current User's desktop folder path is each time the Marco is run by a different User? GetOpenFilename(Filter, FilterIndex, Title,, True) ' Reset Start Drive/Path ChDrive (Left(.DefaultFilePath, 1)) ChDir (.DefaultFilePath) End With ' Exit on Cancel If Not IsArray(Filename) Then MsgBox 'No file was selected.' Exit Sub End If ' Open Files For i = LBound(Filename) To UBound(Filename) msg. Alternative to getopenfilename in Ms-Access. Specifies the index numbers of the default file filtering. To get the full path of the database from which. Application.getopenfilename Suggest Default File. Access; Application. Use filter in Open file dialog. GetOpenFilename « File Path « VBA / Excel / Access.
Example 3: Use file filters to filter the type of files. Sub getFileName3() Dim filename As Variant Dim i As Integer Dim filterStr As String filterStr = 'Text files(*.txt),*.txt,' & 'Image Files(*.jpg;*.png),*.jpg;*.png' filename = Application.GetOpenFilename(filterStr) MsgBox filename End Sub Here we have set 2 separate filters, one for text files and the other for Images. The first string is the display name for the type of file, while the second string is the actual filter using the wildcard character – *. For example, “Text files' is the display name and file type to be filtered is specified by “*.txt' as seen in the snapshot below. To use multiple file extensions for a single file filter type, separate the wildcard expressions with semicolons; for example, “Image Files(*.jpg;*.png),*.jpg;*.png”. If FileFilter is omitted, this argument defaults to “All Files (*.*),*.*”.