Four Economic Drivers That Might Impact Globalization
What is driving globalization? Posted on June 29. Three Key Drivers For Globalization. First driver is the commoditization of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure, computers, software, and Internet. According to Friedman, “These technologies are able to weave the world together even tighter.”. Cost globalization drivers Scale or scope economics, experience effects, sourcing efficiencies, and technology advantages that shape the economics of an industry. —the opportunity for global scale or scope economics, experience effects, sourcing efficiencies reflecting differentials in costs between countries or regions, and technology.

2.4 Industry Globalization Drivers Yip identifies four sets of “industry globalization drivers” that underlie conditions in each industry that create the potential for that industry to become more global and, as a consequence, for the potential viability of a global approach to strategy. Yip first developed this framework in his book Total global strategy: Managing for worldwide competitive advantage (1992), chaps. How customer behavior distribution patterns evolve. Define how customer behavior distribution patterns evolve, including the degree to which customer needs converge around the world, customers procure on a global basis, worldwide channels of distribution develop, marketing platforms are transferable, and “lead” countries in which most innovation takes place can be identified. Scale or scope economics, experience effects, sourcing efficiencies, and technology advantages that shape the economics of an industry.—the opportunity for global scale or scope economics, experience effects, sourcing efficiencies reflecting differentials in costs between countries or regions, and technology advantages—shape the economics of the industry. How To Install Myanmar Font On Sony Xperia Z1. Defined by the strategic actions of globally competing firms in deciding in which markets to compete.