Download Smart Flash Tool Lg Su660
Dual-boot ready partition table and c) your own created with option 9 (if you created one) It fixes automatically the Internal SD-Card after repartitioning (if you select so when prompted). Necessary for devices with no external sdcard available. No more need to install the IntSD-MountFix. Seriale Prima Nota Facile Pro there. zip. Simplified and clearer display messages to eliminate newbies’ confusion. It also enables dual-boot (if you accept when prompted), if a dual-boot partition table is flashed and save you some steps and reboots from installation instructions. Option A – Prepare device for Real Dual-Boot is removed.
The existing Dual-Boot ready re-sized layouts are now available in Option 4. Option 8 renamed to:Replace Stock (locked) ICS BootLoader with the New un-locked one to eliminate newbies’ confusion about its use. TWRP Recovery images updated with TonyP’s latest v2.5.0.0. Thanks TonyP New Option: A – Get useful Logs is now added in toolkit as requested by some of you. All commands described very nicely in TonyP’s thread are integrated in toolkit for quick use. Thank you TonyP.

Minor fix in backup/restore sd-card: When canceling it didn’t return correctly. ADB tool updated to latest 1.0.31. Toolkit is now modular: It can support theoretically more LG devices with AddOn packages. An AddOn package for SU660 is already implemented. Option: A – Prepare device for Dual-Boot is added to repartition the device for Dual-Boot support. Attention: DualBoot uses a spesific partition table, so if you are on dual-boot you cannot resize partitions because it will mess-up the device.
Changing recovery via adb now also works when device is into recovery (not only on normal operation) and gives the option to boot into the newly flashed recovery right after. In option 8 is now clearly mentioned that it is not needed if option 4 has been used, It is needed only if the device is still on Stock locked bootloader. A lot of people still think that they have to use option 8 every time they change to ICS partition layout.
Option 4 had always been flashing the un-locked ICS bootloader when changing to ICS partition. After repartitioning the device enters recovery automatically when powered on. Fsx Tornado Torrent Download With Cracks.
Download the latest version of Smart Phone Flash Tool (SP Flash Tool) to Flash Stock Firmware on Mediatek devices for Windows and Linux Computer. Free Download Smart Phone Flash Tool (SP flash tool) 5.1648 - A reliable utility that is designed to assist Android phone users in flashing their ha.